DEC-UVA Tour Experience - Guided by Descendants
We are excited for your interest in this timely and necessary conversation. Please complete this Tour Request Form to initiate a tour experience guided by Descendants. A DEC-UVA representative will be in touch shortly.
After your tour experience, please consider making a donation to compensate our DEC-UVA Descendant tour guides for their valuable time, knowledge, and experience. The "Tour Experience Donation" button will direct you to our donation page specifically for guided tours. We appreciate your support!
In addition, the Descendants of Enslaved Communities at UVA welcomes your feedback either through the donation form (see comment box on the 2nd page) and/or the feedback form that will be shared with your tour group directly following your tour experience. ​
If you have questions or opportunities for our group, please email us at info@descendantsuva.org.